Rapport final

The search for the origin of chromosomal abnormalities in human preimplantation embryos - Sermon Karen

We have acquired a confocal microscope type Zeiss LSM 800 in the year 2017, costing 241.998,91 € (quotation attached) and have used the WFWG funding (13500 €) as part of the acquisition (6% of the total price). This microscope has since been used intensely, partly for the project described in the application. We have made large progress with visualization of proteins involved in apoptosis and autophagy in human preimplantation embryos to describe how embryos eliminate cells with important aneuploidies (publication in preparation). The microscope has also been used in other projects involving human embryonic stem cells (see list of publications) and has been made available to the research community of the VUB.

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